December 30, 2021

Doula/NCS Hybrid

Professional support from a combination Doula/NCS provider gives your family the best of both worlds! Providers with both trainings offer the flexibility in support that you need. Often, your postpartum experience can differ from what you envision. Perhaps a postpartum doula seems like the right fit for your family, working together to care for the baby, and leaning on your doula’s training and support as you recover from birth. Or maybe you are confident in your local support system and are simply looking for the expertise and care a Newborn Care Specialist offers, trusting them as the expert to set you and your little one up with sleep success and developmentally appropriate routines.

Sometimes neither of these scenarios feels quite right, and you want the option to hand the baby off to a trusted expert one night, and the next, you need the emotional support of a confidant who understands what you’re going through and can sit with you and talk while you snuggle your little one. A professional support person with training in all of these areas, and the flexibility to meet you in the moment may be the perfect fit for your family.

Is a Doula/NCS right for your family?


  • Infant and postpartum specific training with certification option
  • Common and uncommon medical issues for both you and your baby
  • Preemies
  • Multiples
  • Parent education and empowerment
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Developmental milestones
  • Self-led, or working as a team with the whole family
  • Committed to establishing healthy long-term sleep habits and routines while meeting your family where they are and supporting your decisions and parenting style

Family Needs

  • Help with baby-related chores
    -Washing baby laundry/bottle and pump parts and organizing/stocking nursery
  • Helping with the baby overnight so you can get more sleep
  • Light household support
  • Overnights
  • 24 Hour Care
  • Live In
  • Live Out
  • 6 week-6 month contracts


Start the application process by using the calendar below to schedule a free consultation with our Family Care Coordinator.